• If Out of Hours Medical Advice is required, please use the NHS 111 online service. Or, call 111 if you’re unable to get help online. Details of our Out of Hours Service is available on the practice number of 020 3474 6070

  • The GP Annual Survey ordinarily takes place at this time of year.  We sincerely believe that patients who are happy often do no feel the need to feed back quite as strongly as those who are not. We would encourage all of our patients who are happy with our services to also add their voice. 


Please click here to read our NHS online reviews

You can also see our Google reviews by clicking here.

While we try our hardest to deliver good and effective care in a timely manner we understand that we may on occasion not meet your expectation.  We are happy to receive your feedback, whether positive or negative, to learn where we can to improve the service.  If you do have a complaint you wish to make, please follow our complaints procedure – click here.

Please note Clapham Family Practice will not tolerate any harassment or rude behavior towards our staff whether on-line, by phone or in person.  We will take action against anyone who behaves inappropriately.